Municipalities may join Steel Rivers COG through council resolution.
Each member pays annual dues and may appoint two representatives to the Board of Directors—one voting and one alternate delegate.
Member Programs and Services

Grant Management
Every year, Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds are distributed to the COGs throughout Allegheny County to support approved construction projects within their member municipalities.

Joint Purchasing
The InterCOG Purchasing Alliance pools purchasing power from participating COG communities to achieve savings in commodities such as rock salt. Furthermore, contracts through the Alliance afford members protections not found in other group bidding efforts.

Commercial Traffic Equipment Program
SRCOG owns and manages commercial truck scales and a public safety vehicle. Member police departments share this equipment to weigh commercial vehicles and enforce traffic safety regulations on our local roadways.

Geographic Information Systems
SRCOG maintains a GIS and can produce maps for member municipalities upon request.
Recreation and Public Events
SRCOG owns and maintains tents and chairs that our member municipalities can use for community events. Additionally, movie equipment is available for rental through the Borough of Port Vue.

Regional Training Complex
SRCOG manages a Regional Training Complex located in Elizabeth Township. It is available for rent by police departments and other public safety organizations.

Street Sweeping
Street sweeping reduces stormwater pollution by removing silt, trash and chemicals from the streets and alleys. The street sweeper is contracted out to member communities on a scheduled, as-needed basis.
For more information about becoming a member of Steel Rivers COG, please contact An Lewis at [email protected].